WMDEVICEMACRSPRWorld ``@>BMACISPRK.Cracks and Dots In??PARMMACOStandard OutputtCSPRKb_Cracks and Dots Out??PARMMACPSPRKxCracks and Dots Params??PARMMACHStephen SchmittA Special-Effects macro that uses the Voronoi Device to create some unique shapes. Specifically, you can create cracks, polka dots, or bubbles. Standard Edition is required to make full use of the macro.SPRK0Cracks and Dots Help??PARMCELLSPRKMud Cracks??PARM P1'uB@EScale-The scale of the Voronoi noise in the world.P1 StyleYEach style is a unique combination of noises that give a different aspect to the output.F1F2F3F4F2 - F1F3 - F2F3 - F1F4 - F3F4 - F2F4 - F1F1 CellsF2 CellsF3 CellsF4 CellsP1Distance FunctionGHow distances are measured; allows for different looks of the terrain.EuclideanManhattanAlternate #1Alternate #2P1?@ShapeBOffset the noise effect. The only effect is to shift the pattern.P1Distortion Enable+Enable the distortion input of this deviceP1?Distortion AmountDThe strength of distortion, determines how far the input is shiftedP1hDistortion Direction)The direction to distort the coordinatesP1Random Seed'Determines the features of the terrainP1RandomizeRandomize the seed valueCLMPSPRKCracks??PARMP1?Range1P1o:?Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeI_GNSPRK ??PARMP1ValuesThe integer value to generate.CLMPSPRK}Dots??PARMP1?Range1P1p=?Range2P1TypeP1NormalizeMSWCSPRKhMax??PARMP1Number of Outputs2Determines how many output ports should there be.P1Output Choice9Selects which output port should recieve the input data.U_MCSPRKw??PARMP1Number of Inputs1Determines how many input ports should there be.P1Input Choice<Selects which input port should be passed on to the output.I_GNSPRKl_??PARMP1ValuesValueThe integer value to generate.IVRTSPRK~ult??PARMSSPLSPRKStyle Split??PARMP1OutputsValueU_MCSPRKh0[ 00??PARMP1Number of Inputse1Determines how many input ports should there be.P1Input Choice<Selects which input port should be passed on to the output.S_CPSPRKJtyle??PARMP1p=?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1=?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1o:?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Typeing=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipIVRTSPRKN??PARMS_CPSPRKl??PARMP1ffF=?Current Value0The current value that this device is producingP1)\=?Max Range)The maximum value to allow in the outputP1o:?Min Range)The minimum value to allow in the outputP1Type=Specify how to clamp the input value to the specified range.RescaleClipSSPL#SPRKClamp Split??PARMP1OutputsValueE                SPRK<Cracks and Dots??PARMP1StyleIICracksDotsBubblesP1>?World ScalingIIP10??Feature StrengthI